Vancouver, B.C., November 01, 2018
Are you looking for an idea of how to give gifts to your friends and family far away and abroad?
If you have friends or family far away in Canada or the USA, we guess, you always struggle to find the right way to send them a gift for Christmas. As we are working closely with Sanat Claus we have you covered.
We send your gift directly to whomever you like without any additional effort for you. After you have chosen the product you want us to be shipped just enter your own billing address and in step 2 enter the address of the recipient as the shipping address. Finally, enter your credit card information and as soon as the payment is confirmed we go further with surprising your loved ones.
The most pleasant way to give a perfect gift with even lower shipping costs!
At HUSS Incense you will find the very special gift, with its own history, elaborately packed and, if you like, with a PERSONALIZED LETTER. Just leave your message in the field "notes" and it will be shipped together with your ordered item.
All orders less than $ 300.00 with a personal note will be shipped without an invoice!
Are you looking for an exclusive, special, original or unusual gift idea? Just click through our sections, find great ideas and surprise your loved ones with unforgettable experiences, wonderful memorabilia, and impressive incense cones and ovens from the German manufacturer "HUSS Raeucherkerzen"! Our HUSS Incense products bring it all together. Be it a fancy birthday present, or at this time of the year the perfect Christmas present, in our online shop you will definitely find the perfect gift.
Order now to have the first Christmas gift done this season.
Fuer unsere Deutschen Freunde eine kurze Erklaerung:
Nachdem Sie das gewünschte Produkt ausgewählt haben, geben Sie Im Warenkorb "cart" bitte Ihre eigene Rechnungsadresse ein und dann die Adresse des Empfängers als Lieferadresse "shipping address". Am Ende noch fuer die Bezahlung ihre Kreditkartendaten eingeben (Deutsche VISA oder MasterCard) oder mit paypal zahlen und schon geht ihr Geschenk auf die Reise.
Bei HUSS Incense finden Sie eine grosse Auswahl aller Raeucherkerzen und Raeucheroefen von HUSS in Neudorf, original verpackt und wenn Sie möchten, sogar mit PERSOENLICHER NACHRICHT. Hinterlassen Sie einfach Ihren Text im Feld "notes" und wir kuemmern uns um alles Weitere.
Alle Bestellungen unter 300,00$, mit persoenlicher Nachricht, werden ohne Rechnung verschickt!