Pine: the scent of the forest. We all know it; this clean, healthy and elevating smell that comes up when we walk through the woods on a Sunday afternoon. Or the smell of freshly cut Christmas trees that lies in the air and fills our heart with the joy of Christmas. Not only do we associate the holiday spirit with it, the fragrance also has a variety of positive effects on the human body.
O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.
Native Canadians already knew about the positive effects of pines. They discovered that it can be a lifesaver. A 500-year old legend tells the story of the French explorer Jacques Cartier whose ship got stuck in the ice near Quebec. The crew faced certain death from scurvy (a vitamin C deficiency) until they were saved by a tribal chieftain named Donacona, who brewed the sailors pine tea. It turns out that the pine bark and needles contained vitamin C . Later, in the 1940’s the French researcher Jacques Masquelier learned that they are not only loaded with vitamin C , but also contain beneficial antioxidant compounds called flavonols and bioflavonoids. He extracted them with hot water and his discovery was Pycnogenol. Now known as a jet-lag remedy as well as its ability to ease circulatory problems, knee pain, and menstrual cramps.
A scent for stress relief
Pine can alleviate stress. According to a Japanese study, pine scent can decrease our anxiety. 498 healthy volunteers were sent on two 15-minute forest strolls one day, compared to a control day when they didn't walk. They reported significantly lower depression and stress levels after the forest walk. The anxious subjects had a great feeling of relaxation while inhaling the scent of the forest trees. Besides that, "taking in the atmosphere of the forest" — known as shinrin-yoku in Japan — is seen as a therapeutic walk that eases stress. No wonder people in Japan have a very long life! As not everyone has an ancient Japanese pine forest in front of their door nor can spare the time in our busy world to go for walks, use that as an excuse to enjoy that lovely smell every day by using our Pine No. 1 Incense cones. We recommend using our incense for soothing turbulent emotions and stressful times. Take your time and meditate! Breath in deeply and relax. How to use Incense for meditation.
Winter time brings coughs and pine its relief
Pine isn't only an emotional soother, it also provides gentle relief to colds and congested sinuses. Just drip three drops of pine essential oil into a bowl of hot water and inhale the scented steam through your mouth and nose, while your head is covered with a towel.
There are 51 different species of pine trees in the northern hemisphere, growing up to 100 meters. Go and take advantage of them if you can, and do not just take them for granted. Take many walks through your forest nearby during the holiday season, stroll over to the nearest Christmas tree farm, or spread the uplifting scent of pine through your home to power up your holiday spirit and Christmas tree — if it is fake.
Pine, the refreshing note!