Vancouver, BC, July 1, 2021
'O Canada' - Happy Canada Day!
'O Canada' - Happy Canada Day!
Today we celebrate all that makes Canada such a great country and we are sure you will see many Canadian flags around town today. It may surprise you to learn that our flag is relatively young and that it has an eventful history.
The History of the Canadian Flag
It was during the First World War — where the maple leaf symbol was used as the cap badge worn by members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force — that it became the most widely recognized emblem of the nation. Most poignantly, it is a single maple leaf that is carved upon many of the headstones of Canadian service men and women who gave their lives in the 2 world wars. For many, ever since, the maple leaf has been a shared symbol of pride, courage and loyalty.
Your HUSS Incense Team

In the years prior to 1965, several attempts were made to consider possible designs for a national flag, however the projects were always shelved for various reasons. As a compromise, the Canadian government chose to keep the Union Jack as the national flag and to fly the Canadian Red Ensign (see picture, the version of the Canadian Red Ensign used from 1957 until 1965) from government buildings.
In 1960, Lester B. Pearson, then Leader of the Opposition, declared that he was determined to solve what he called “the flag problem.” Pearson began by proposing a flag design featuring a sprig of 3 red maple leaves. After considering a few thousand designs, the responsible committee voted for the design that we know today, the single maple leaf on a white square on a red background.
Why the Maple Leaf?

The maple tree with its vibrant autumn colours has always been a prominent feature of the landscape in the eastern parts of Canada. The Indigenous peoples living in these areas valued the maple tree for its sweet sap and the goods derived from it. While this remarkable tree made a distinct impression on early settlers, it wasn’t until the 19th century that the maple leaf itself emerged as a symbol of national identity. From that time onwards, the leaf appeared more and more frequently, becoming the well-loved symbol of Canada it is today.
It was during the First World War — where the maple leaf symbol was used as the cap badge worn by members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force — that it became the most widely recognized emblem of the nation. Most poignantly, it is a single maple leaf that is carved upon many of the headstones of Canadian service men and women who gave their lives in the 2 world wars. For many, ever since, the maple leaf has been a shared symbol of pride, courage and loyalty.
Find more interesting facts about Canada Day in this article:
We hope you enjoyed the little story - have a great holiday!

Your HUSS Incense Team