Vancouver, B.C., August 19, 2017
To bee or not to bee that is the question!
Bees are not that different to us; they live in little colonies of a population of 30,000 to 60,000 bees and can therefore be compared to a city. Their little wings beat 11,400 times per minute, making the buzzing noise we all hear in the summer time. They are hard workers, visiting 4 million flowers and flying 4 times the distance around the world to produce 1 kg of the stuff that we and Winnie Pooh cannot get enough of. They pollinate 170,000 plant species, and without them, fruits and vegetables would hardly grow. Nor would you find lovely fields of flowers.
Without bees the world would look rather sad. To protect those intelligent and busy insects the Slovenian Beekeeper's Association has launched the WORLD BEE DAY. The WORLD BEE DAY initiative is supported by the Republic of Slovenia and backed by Apimondia, the beekeepers' umbrella association.
It is there to show the world that in recent years bees have been facing increasing threats and there has to be action to protect them. Without bees, there would be no food provided, no sustainable agriculture, no biodiversity, no climate change mitigation, and no healthy environment.
These are some things you can do to protect bees and their honey:
- If you have a garden, treat it well. Do not use any pesticides, fungicides or herbicides on your plants because the product will likely reach the bees and kill them. Also, if you are in the Garden Centre of your choice make sure the plants you buy are not pre-treated with neonics pesticides! On top that, plant bee-friendly plants for the little buzz in the summer.
- You love the taste and smell of honey. Well, then make sure you buy local & raw honey from the local beekeepers near you.
- Another trick is to light one of our incense cones with honey fragrance. It is popular with children, as its mild, soft-sweet flavour awakens a feeling of trust and security.
- Last but not least, educate yourself. Bees are not a stinging, angry insect that just wants to sting you. They are not dangerous and just want to forage on a flower. Let them sit in your garden and enjoy their company. A better understanding for them will bring more respect for them. Learn more about BEE DAY and bees here.